I work with children and adolescents who are adjusting to the many changes that divorce brings. Children and adolescents have to face that one parent no longer lives with them.
In addition, they may have to adjust to moving, sharing their time between two different homes, joining with new step-siblings or the birth of half-siblings, adjusting to the parenting style of a stepparent, or getting used to the idea of one or both of their parents having relationships with others.
Children may change schools during this process. They may spend more time with grandparents or relatives who are helping their parents through this process.
Most children go through a period of time when they feel that the divorce must somehow be their fault. This is a common reaction, as children tend to think many events in their lives are because of them.
I can help your child or adolescent to understand that it is not their fault. We can work together to normalize many of the experiences that your child may be facing and help them to identify what they are feeling so that they can better cope with it.
Some children may have been aware of parental disagreements prior to divorce or may still encounter these disagreements after divorce.
This can be particularly distressing for children and I have experience in helping children to handle the emotions that this may bring.
Unfortunately, when parents disagree about custody matters, children are caught in the middle. This is a very stressful time for everyone in the family and I can work with children or parents to help process their feelings and cope with their distress.
I also work with children and parents to improve their parent-child relationships that may have become strained during this process, or restore relationships that may have been disrupted.